We say that we are a financial planning and investment management firm; but what does that mean?

Investment Management services is just what is sounds like: We manage your investments. We get together with you and determine why you are saving the money, design an asset allocation model to accomplish that investment goal, and then take control of the day-to-day decisions in your portfolio. Most people know they need to “do something” with their investments but lack the time, temperament, or knowledge in how to do it. We provide that for you.

Financial Planning is actually an ongoing process you use to make sensible decisions about your money. In the simplest context it involves first determining out where you are in life and where you are trying to go. From there the Financial Plan figures out what money-related things you need to do to get from where you are to where you want to go.

You can find out more in our section on Financial Planning section.

Hourly Advice can also be provided. You might just need some help with an investment decision, want someone to look over your 1040 for possible ways to reduce taxes, find out whether a Roth or Traditional IRA or 401(k) is best for you, have questions concerning your life, disability, or other insurance needs. For these and the myriad of other money and personal finance questions people have we can provide advice to you on an hourly basis if you don’t yet want us to prepare a formal plan or manage your investments.


We offer advice and services for the following:

  • 401(k) retirement plans and Individual Retirement Accounts
  • 529 qualified tuition plans
  • Annuities
  • Mutual funds
  • Certificates of Deposit
  • U.S.Treasuries Securities
  • Group retirement and savings plans
  • Simplified Employee Pension Plans
  • Qualified Retirement Plans
  • Other retirement savings plans designed specifically for employee groups
  • Life insurance
  • Long-term care, disability and critical illness
  • Health Insurance Group health benefits
  • Budget counseling
  • Financial plans
  • Estate planning